Enhanced Automations

  • Automations can now be edited and various filters applied to them.
  • Automations interface has also been revamped to make it easier to track when it ran last and what is its status now.
  • You can also make automations run only on one device.
Edit automations

KPIs / Reports Added

  • Same Day Collections
  • Non-Hygiene Patients
New KPIs


  • You can now search for Patients in the universal search.
  • You can also open a patient in OpenDental easier than before.

Toast Notifications

  • You will now receive toast notifications for updates, automations and various activities to keep you informed even faster.
Toast notifications

Bug Fixes and other Enhancements

  1. Security Permissions are now applied more universally and match OpenDental even better.
  2. Patient KPIs will now update in the background to make loading faster.


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